Thursday, January 7, 2010

No winning, no losing.

Ego tends to break the flow of evolution into arbitrary distinctions. This only becomes an issue when we stop above or below a point, and contemplate our "success" or "failure," which breaks the continuity of progress either for vanity or insecurity's sake. Really, going forward is all there is, ad infinitum.


  1. Too correct. Breathing is an involuntary reflex, an all too-human-reflex: vanity, insecurity, reflection, success and failure. Imagine how much less you would have occasion for the deep mother of being belly laughter without the impish hiccup, grotesque belch or gentle yawn!! But an issue? Some progress? VERY arbitrary. As we rednecks say, keep on truckin.

    Your photos are the shiznit

  2. Thanks. :-) Do you have a blog? When I tried to click on your name, it said that your profile isn't public.
