Thursday, December 9, 2010

vor den Ufern

Langsam aus dem Schlaf auftauchend, heben sich die Augenlieder und lassen Land erahnen. Ruhiges Meer, schon immer da, seit Urbeginn, scheint mich treiben zu lassen vor den Ufern im Nebel und ich spüre, dass ich kurz vor der Küste zu Hause bin. Da, wo man Schiffe, an Klippen zerschellen. Da, wo man sich nach der Weite und dem Hafen sehnt. Da, wo alles möglich ist, weil es im Nebel verborgen liegt. Hier steige ich auf das Dach des Schiffs und rieche die Melange von Erde und Meer.

So treib ich im Nebel dahin, an den Küsten entlang, obwohl ich schon längst den Anker geworfen hab.

-- a quote long since buried in time, R.L.

The pressure mounts; energy builds; the geysers steam; an explosion is imminent. The ubiquitous smell of sulfur relentlessly permeates my senses. The water begins to spill and pour and flow over the edges of nature's caldron; bubbles crackle and pop delightfully. I look in the distance as a solitary raven gnaws at an over-picked carcass, trying desperately to satiate its hunger amidst the boiling brew. Steam obscures and distorts my surroundings. Cold, wet air enters my lungs but it cannot cool the molten emotions which push at my core, attempting to release themselves through my mouth but are held in by my tongue.

Fatigued. Restless. Simultaneous ambiguities. Floating through the sky alone on a moonless night. Cloud-surfing under the luminescent stars--paint splatters on the blanket of the cosmos. Heaven lies directly outside. Dreams fade in and out with the patterns of the wind. Raindrops tap. tap. tap. on the window in the cockpit. The light from the beacon reflects off the pillowy formations, refracting light in strange directions; darkness pools in others:

the shadows of angels on my bottomless doorstep.

Sleepy eyes awaken to a vast valley of blue, framed by snowy, jagged peaks of hardened earth, not yet eroded by friction---the indifference of nature dipped in sugar, inviting me to play, compelling me to seek.

Here, there is only




This was my weekend.
These are my dreams.


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