Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Not what, but how you say it.

I received an email today from a former colleague with whom I had had a major falling-out almost exactly two years ago. I had not spoken with him at all since the incident. The unexpected message was simple, but contained a sincere wish that everything had turned out alright for me. The sentiment evoked such a strong emotion in me that I cried in happiness.

Oddly enough, I'd had this dream again and again where my "enemies"--people with whom I'd exchanged unnecessary suffering--and I spontaneously found ourselves in an embrace. I would experience this incredible feeling of warmth and connectedness, momentarily forgetting that we had ever been at odds in the first place.

Sometimes, I think the most difficult climbs I've ever attempted have been from a broken relationship to a mutual sense of respect and understanding. They have been by far the most rewarding.

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