Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Peak Experiences

I had a pretty moderate dizzy spell today, which put me a bit on edge. I think it's the sense of losing control that really puts me off, not being able to stabilise myself from falling over. Little by little, I am getting better at communicating with people in the camp, especially with our guard Charles, with whom I practice speaking French every evening outside of our house next to the fire.

I really appreciated a teaching by Pema Chödrön that I read earlier today, which stated that 'peak experiences' aren't really that big of a deal and that only slow, steady change would have a lasting effect. Especially in humanitarian work, one finds that most things progress extremely gradually with little to no actual breakthroughs. (Breakthroughs can be obstacles themselves when they envoke feelings of desire and 'lacking' instead of enriching one's life. They can become an addiction which ultimately stymies true progress in favour of visible, but empty rewards.)

In applying these lessons to communication, I will do my best to be patient with the language/cultural barriers, as I should not expect to wake up one day with a capacity to fully understand others and make myself understood. I can only do my best at every moment with the hope that each day will bring progress from the last.

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