Sunday, April 13, 2008

This Sacred Life

Sometimes, it is difficult to realise that you are already on a sacred journey. You arrive somewhere and you think, I only need to make a, b, and c happen. Then, the real adventure will begin. There are many excuses for refusing to take the present moment for "the real thing" as opposed to mere preparation for such. However, every moment counts -- it is both the rehearsal and the production, the first and final draft. Now is not the time to be lazy in anticipation of another, more important period of your life. How you live this very moment will influence your future in substantial ways which you cannot understand right now.

One seemingly insignificant action can change the entire course of your life. I saw this while travelling to San Francisco six months ago in search of a job with no planned direction. I just showed up with a plane ticket, a business suit, a resume, and a small hope.

When you go to bed each night, how will you end your day? Will you reflect on what has happened and learn from it, or will you allow each daily lesson to pass by in forgetfulness? There is never a moment where an opportunity does not exist to learn, grow, and expand your perceptions and acceptance of this life. You learn to take humour out of annoyances and the things that scare you. You learn to let go and relax. You begin to allow yourself to be present, as you are, without needing to escape to somewhere else...

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